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Chinese Catholic Pastoral Community


Catechists 傳道員組

Mission 宗旨


The main objective of our group is to spread the Good News to non-believers through faith sharing meetings and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program.

藉信仰分享和基督徒成人入門聖事(RCIA) 慕道課程把天國的喜訊帶給未信主的人。

RCIA Booklet 慕道班課程簡介 (PDF)


Activities 活動

Regular meeting time and venue 聚會時間及地點

Life and Faith Sharing – Every Monday evening via online Zoom meeting from 8:30-9:45pm, Catholics and non-Catholics are welcome.

生活信仰分享‐每星期一晚上 8:30-9:45pm作網上聚會, 歡迎主內的兄弟姊妹和未信主的朋友參加

Catechism class – Every Sunday morning from 9:30am-10:45am, via online Zoom meeting (temporary arrangement during Pandemic).

慕道課程‐每星期日早上 9:30am-10:45am 網上課程(疫情期間的暫時安排)

Catechism Refresher Classes 再慕道聚會 –

- Weekly Refresher Class, every Sunday afternoon from 1:30-3pm, St Peter Julian’s Church Haymarket (Suspended due to Pandemic)
再慕道聚會, 逢星期日下午1:30-3pm 在華埠聖伯多祿朱廉教堂舉行(疫情期間暫停)

- Monthly Bible Sharing, every 2nd Friday of the month from 8-10pm, Sylvania c/o KT Ching (Suspended due to Pandemic)
甘泉組聖經分享‐每月第二個星期五晚上8-10pm 在 Sylvania 聚會(c/o程先生) (疫情期間暫停)

- Monthly Bible Study, every 2nd Saturday of the month from 5-7pm, Asiana Centre Ashfield (Suspended due to Pandemic)
星期六聖經研習班‐每月第二個星期六下午 5-7pm 於 Ashfield亞洲中心聚會(疫情期間暫停)


New class enrolment - New Cantonese Catechism class commences in February every year. Interested persons are welcome to enrol * through telephone or email. The class will meet every Sunday morning at either St Peter Julian's Church, Haymarket or Asiana Centre, Ashfield (details to be confirmed when the Pandemic is over). Please invite your non-believer friends and relatives to learn about God and our faith. Catholics are also encouraged to join in to renew their faith.

慕道班報名 - 粵語成人慕道班於每年二月開辦新班。有興趣認識基督信仰的朋友, 請至電或以電郵報名*。新班將於星期日上午在華埠聖伯多祿朱廉教堂或Ashfield亞洲中心上課(因疫情關係, 時間和聚會地點將稍後確實)。請介紹未信主的親友參加。亦歡迎信友參加課程更新信仰。

The group also provides correspondence courses for those who are unable to attend catechism classes in person. Feel free to enquire.



For details of the above activities and meetings, please SMS message to 0433 812 585 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

各活動和聚會詳情請短信 0433 812 585, 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


RCIA Application Form 慕道班申請表格 (PDF)


Links 網址連接



香港公教教研中心- 福傳資料


香港天主教教友總會- 天主教怎樣看人生和信仰?


香港教區教友培育辦事處- 天主教信仰熱線- 人生問題與信仰




香港活水基金- 見證分享


論盡神學- 信理問題- 為什麼還要進教?


香港天主教教友總會- 認識天主教信仰


天主教台北總教區- 教理推廣中心- 教理知識



Contact 聯絡



Phone: SMS 0433 812 585

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Calendar 日曆